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FACULTY ROSTER (1883-2012)

More than 600 faculty served the Lab School from 1883 to 2012.

Multiple sources were used to create this list, including the University of Northern Iowa Faculty Roster, (available online
here), all available Lab School yearbooks, (available online here), and other sources. 

Faculty are listed according to their most prominent teaching area with an asterisk placed beside the names of those who taught in more than one area or served in more than one capacity.

Below the departmental listings you will find a spreadsheet with the full details we have available for each faculty member.

Information on the faculty from the earliest years of the Lab School are often listed only as "unspecified" and we have included that category at the end of our list. If you have any information on the teaching areas of these faculty please share that with us through
this form.

Our faculty roster has been compiled with the information available to us at this time and will be updated as new information is found.

If you know of any faculty members who may have been inadvertantly omitted or see corrections that need to be made please
let us kno

Faculty names in orange can be clicked to view profiles or additional information.

  • Administration
    Albrecht, James (1965-1980) Anderson, Kenneth E. (1947-1948) Bender, Wilbur H. (1896-1913) Best, Ina (1921-1928) Brimm, Paul (1948-1964) *Brown, Corrinne (1915-1920) Brugger, Mathilde Elise (1931-1946) *Countryman, Lyn (2010-2012) *Cryer, J.D. (1998-2012) Cunning, Jesse (1924-1925) Curtis, Dwight (1945-1960) *Dick, George S. (1907-1914) Doud, James (1970-1994) Duea, Jerry (1966-1997) *Eells, Harry LeRoy (1914-1932) Else, David K. (1988-1990) Fernandez, Linda (1991-2000) Graham, Hope W. (1917-1920) Hanthorn, Alice (1919-1921 Supervisor of Primary Teaching) *Helsey, Charles W. (1919-1924 High School Principal & Asst. Head) Horn, Thomas D. (1947-1951 Elementary School Principal) *Jackson, Cyril Loren (1924-1952 High School Principal) King, Alice Cynthia (1892-1895 Supervisor Training School) Kline, Charles W. (1917-1921 Assistant Director) Kueter, Roger (1990-2004, 2006-2007) Krumbholtz, John (1999-2003) *Lattin, Richard (1947 – 1966) *Luse, Eva May (1919 - 1940) McConnaha, Wendell (1997-2001) Miller, Ella (1883-1884 Model School Principal) Moore, Charles E. (1983-1990) *Nielsen, Lynn E. (1989-1998) Nielsen, Ross (1947-1986) *Peterson, Marna (1920 – 1954, Elem. Principal 1941-1954) Robinson, Vickie (1991-1999) Schell, Ida L. (1895-1896 Supervisor of Training School Advanced Dept.) Scofield, Belle C. (1914-1920 Supervisor of Primary Teaching) Sloan, Charles (1966-1970) Smith, David (1994-2009) Smith, Ernestine (1896-January 1897 Supervisor of Training School Advanced Dept.) *Speer, A. H. (1915-1918 Assistant Director) *Stichter, James L. (2007 – 2012) Stone, Cliff W. (1914-1918) *Suplee, Etta (1894-1909) *Tarr, John (1987-1988) Wagner, Guy Wesley (1941-1945, 1960-1962) Wagner, Wayne Roy (1969-1973) *Wagoner, Bridgette (2000-2010) *Ward, Florence (1906-1916 Supervisor of Kindergarten Training) Learn more about the Administration
  • Art Department
    *Dandliker, Gertrude (1909-1916) Harris, Edwin Henry (1983-1992) Knivsland, Rick L. (1992-2012) Schmitt, Mary Margaret (1946-1983) Swann, Annette (1983-2007) Wineke, Dorothy (1949-1983)
  • AV Department/Educational Media
    Conrad, Bob (Dates Unknown) Dykstra, Lynn (1984-2012) *Gjerde, Waldemar (1945-1948) Paulson, Robert (1953-1984) Tripp, Leonard Y. (1951-1954)
  • Business Education
    Briggs, Dianna (1982-1993) Chase, William (1949 – 1953) Ennis, Edith (1951-1954) Handorf, James (1966-1969) Henriksen, Leasha (2004 – 2011) Phillips, Cecil (1948-1980, 1981-1982) Primrose, Dean (1973-2003) Przychodzin, Joe (1947-1963) Stone, Myrtle (1928 – 1966) Walsh, Dorothy Price (1949 – 1952)
  • Child Development Center
    Klostermann, Aimee (2000-2012) Uhlenberg, Jill (1990-2004) Weber, Tera (2000-2012) York, Candice (2007-2012)
  • Classical to World Languages
    Becker, James (French 1970-1975, 1977-1990; French/Spanish 1990-1999) Blanco, Sara (2002-2005, 2006-2012) Bone Adams, Barbara (1985-1986) Brost, Gunda (Fall 2005) Bultena, Beatrice (1955-1960) Busot, Adriana (1963-1964) Call, Myra (1896-1913) Casado, Pablo (1960-1963) Caster, Kim (1999-2000) Cornish, Yana (2000-2001) Denton, William (1964-1965) Doyle, Mary (2000-2012) Ducros, Christiane (1961-1962) *Fesenbeck, Ida (1901-1916) Findlay, Rosa Maria (1964-2001) Gebel, Terri A. (1998-2000) Griffin, Kris Anderson (1986-1987) Halstead, Yelena (2004-2006) *Hawley, Argelia (1983-1997) Henkel, Liz (Fowler) (2006) Hoeft, Lowell (1987-2004) Holt, Candace K. (1973-1975) Jones Novinger, Jo Anne (1984-1985) Krauthamer, Michelle (1980-1981) LaVallee, Raymond T. (1964-1969) Lawn, Susan (1979-1980) *Luse, Eva May (1903-1916) Maubach, Sherry (1999-2002) McGuire, Matt (2003) Montas, Jacques (1962-1965) Oukada, Larbi (1981-1984) Palma, Carlos (2001) Powell, Patricia B. Westphal (1971-1978) Price, James William (1965-1983) *Simmons, Mary E. (1893-1895 Latin) Sipes, Randall (1963-1965) *Struble, Marguirette (1924-1969) Sweigert, James (1991-2003) *Theusen, Dora C. (1920-1921) Tillapaugh, Daissy (1997-1999) Trout, Andrew (2011-2012) Zwanziger, Elizabeth (2003-2012)
  • Critic of Teaching
    Adsit, Ruth (1899-1906) Arey, Amy (1903-1904) Barnum, Mary (1910-1912) Bernard, Jesse (1929-1930) *Bizer, Olga M. (1925-1927) *Botsord, Francis R. (1928-1929) Bowman, Laura (1904-1907 Grammar Grades) *Burkhardt, Eloise (1921-1925) Byrnes, Hazel Webster (1917-1919) *Colbrook, Velma R. (1927-1935) Conton, Corley Agnes (1923-1927) Cramer, Cathryn (1929-1931) *Creswell, Mae (1902-1919) Eubank, Winnie (1920-1923 Critic in Teaching Primary) *Evans, Gladys (1926-1936) *Findley, Evelyn (1926-1930) Fletcher, Liona (1925-1926) Ford, Edith (1926-1928) Gamble, Emma (1910-1912) *Gordan, Alice Ora (1906-1912 Primary Grades) *Graham, Zelwyn (1925-1952) *Gullickson, Agnes R. (1923-1961) Hammond, Dorothy Margaret (1923-1926 Kindergarten) *Hansen, Bertha S. (1916-1918 Home Economics) *Hardie, Ethel R. (1929-1933) *Hatcher, Mattie L. (1909-1914) Harvey, Beulah (1920-1921) *Hearst, Helen C. (1921-1936) *Heinonen, Junetta C. (1921-1941 Science) Henry, Charles (1900-1901) Hearndon, Eva (1926-1929) *Hornbaker, Gladys (1926-1932) *Hughes, Elizabeth F. (1898-1916) Iversen, Ida M. (1927-1928) *James, Helen H. (1920-1924 Supervisor of Teaching Kindergarten) *Jessen, Mabel (1919-1925) *Johnson, Olga J. (1928-1933) *Kearney, Dora (1925-1946) Keene, Irma (1909-1911 Critic Teacher Primary Grades) Killey, Irma Belle (1927-1928) Kyle, Joanna (1926-1932) *Leatherberry, Abbie (1917-1924 Primary) *Lindeman, Haziel (1917-1923 Primary) Lovette, Blanche (1917-1919 Primary) *Michaelson, Ruth J. (1925-1949) *Morganthale, Edna (1924-1925) Morrison, Bertha (1897-1898) *Nenno, Catherine E. (1911-1920) Northey, Sue (1923-1925) *Pollock, Annabelle (1918-1947) *Pribble, Beth (1920-1925) (Putzke, Louise W. (1917-1921) *Rait, Euphemia (1913-1929) Ramsdell, Maude Elizabeth (1923-1924) *Reese, Marguerite (1922-1932) Remer, Laura L. (1917-1920) *Rice, Agnes F. (1916-1924) Schumann, Selma (1921-1943) Silence, Zelma (1922-1929) Simmons, Blanche E. (1923-1927) Smith, Constance (Spring 1912 Critic Teacher in Music) Smith, Mayme W. (1923-1927) Stevens, Lulu M. (1911-1914 Critic Teacher in Music) Streeter Aldrich, Bess (1906-1907 Critic Teacher in Primary Grades) *Stiles, Bertha Crane (1912-1933) Tear, Grace (1916-1920) Tilton, Olive S. (1917-1920) *Tow, Sadie (1915-1924) *Turner, Eulalie (1915-1951) *Turner, Mabel E. (1916-1924) Ullrich, Minna (1923-1925) Vallentyne, Eva (1923-1924) Van Brussel, Anna (1923-1927) Waller, Mary (1900-1902 Critic Teacher in Grammar Grades) *Walsh, Lettie E. (1915-1920) *Waters, Helen M. (1926-1932) Watson, Ruth (1920-1921) Wearne, Ann (1911-1912 Critic Teacher in Home Economics) Webster, Hazel (1909-1911) *Wheeler, Dorothy Mae (1925-1931) Wiles, Geneva (1925-1927)
  • Critic in Training
    Aitchinsen, Grace Hood (1911-1913) *Bizer, Olga M. (1925-1927) *Brown, Florence E. (1928-1932) *Bye, Harriet (1912-1914) Cadwallader, Marguerite (1911-1913) *Cohoon, D. Sudha (1912-1914) *Day, Ruby (1924-1933) *Dowdell, Ruth E. (1909-1911) Drackley, Dorothy (1928-1930) Ebert, Cora (1925-1927) Fallgatter, Eva Maye (1910-1912) Fisher, Stella (1911-1913) Gillett, Norma (1929-1930) Gostrup, Anna (1910-1912) Gray, Eleanor (1912-1914) *Grier, Alice (1910-1915) *Hancock, Clara (1906-1909) Hansen, Minna M. (1929-1933) Lighter, Elma (1927-1929) *Lincoln, Sybil (1906-1911) *Maeck, Glee (1910-1911) McIntosh, Grace (1910-1912 Grammar Grades) Momyer, Marjorie (1925-1927) O’Toole, Kathryn (1925-1927) Preston, Corinne B. (1927-1928) *Rait, Euphemia (1912-1913) *Riland, Edith (1912-1914) Sanders, Jennie M. (1909-1911) *Shepherd, Lou Alva (1913-1920 Kindergarten) *Sutherland, Mary Leona (1925-1932 Supervisor) Swallow, Lois E. (1926-1928) *Thoene, Christine (1902-1914) Thomas, L. Evelyn (1927-1929) *Uttley, Marguerite (1912-1919) Van Metre, Florence M. (1926-1927) Vander Linde, Mae (1928-1930) Wickens, Verna B. (1926-1928)
  • Guidance
    *Brown, Leander (1971-1984) Keller, Tom (1988-1997) Lawson, Rachel (2005-2011) Redalen, Ed (1968-1974) Sonstegard, Manford A. (1945-1963) *Stichter, James L. (1999-2007) Strub, Richard F. (1964-1992) Struck, Clare (1983 – 2012) Vernon, Ann (1973-1983) See more about Guidance
  • Elementary/Early Childhood
    Adsit, Ruth (1899-1906) Arey, Amy (1903-1904) *Asmus, Kody M. (2005-2009) Barness, Allison (2007-2012) *Bebb, Randall (1947-1968) Bell, Jeffrey (2000-2001) Betterton, Maribelle (1973-2004) Blackman, Mildred (1948-1973) Blockhus Segerstrom, Janice, (1989-1991) Bromwich, Shelly (2000-2012) Budensiek, Harold (1956-1959) Burke, Barbara D. (1977-1978, 1980-1982) Butzier, Mary (1971-1981) Christensen, David (1974-2001) Coburn, Kathleen E. (1977-1981) Creeden, Julie J. (2011-2012) Davids, Arline (1948-1949, 1951-1952, 1954-1955, 1966-1967) Duchene, Anne (2001-2011) Duea, Joan (1965-1991) Ensworth, Lynne (1996-2003) Evens, Judith (2009-2010, 2011-2012) Finkelstein, Judith (1968-1988) Foreman, Delsie Charais (1966 – 1976) Forrest, Josephine (Fall 1904 Kindergarten) Geiken, Rosemary (2004-2008) Gilloley, Laura (1950-1971) Gish, Judith K. (1972-1981, 1989-1992) Godfrey, Minnie (1906-1907 Kindergarten) Goepfert, Nicole (2004-2010) *Green, Louise (1923-1925) Griswold, Amy (2011-2012) Grosvenor, Cheryl L. (1990-1993) Guenther, Mary (1992-2012) Gunn, Harriette E. (1904-1906 Director of Kindergarten) Hadley, George (1966-1971) Helff, Bernice (1942-1972) Hoffman, Sheryl J. (2001-2012) Holmes, Gloria Kirkland (1978-1999) Holmberg, Marjorie B. (1947-1973) Hornby, Joyce (1973-1991) Hosier, Max (1951-1965) Howell, Alta (1948-1952) Hutcheson, Ruth (1953-1974) Kelly, Mary Jean (1971-1973) Klein, Larry (1967-1971) Koehring, Dorothy (1933-1961) LaPray, Margaret (1946-1950) Lockhart, Amy (2000-2012) Lubinski, Cheryl (1982-1985) Lynch, Louis (1951-1980) MacLennan, Diane (1989-1993) Martin, Raymond James (1955-1957) Mantor, Edna (1921-1968) McBride, Eleanor (1946-1969) *McCarthy, Phyllis Ann (1947-1964) McCarty, Diane (1990 - 2000) McClain, Janet (1976-2000) McCracken, Wayne (1975-1976) McCumsey, Janet (1973-1975) Moore, Lynn (1984-1990) *Nielsen, Lynn E. (1974-1989, 2000-2001) Nielsen, Curtis P. (2001-2012) Norris, Mildred Walter (1953-1965) Oleson, Vicki (1996-2008) Parisho, Eugenia G. (1961-1986) Purcell, Mary (1989-1993) Riess, Joan (1968-1975) Riess, Beverly Wynn Ewald (1975-1979) Rohret, Joan (2003-2004) Roth, Betts Ann (1951-1976) Saddler, Craig (Dates Unknown) Simpson, Katie (Dates Unknown) Smith, Jacque (1992-2003) Smith, Beverly Moore (1976-1979) Soy, Eloise (1965-1979) Stichter, Mary (1990-2012) Strub, Elizabeth J. (1972-1992) Swartz, Susie Quinlin (1970 -1975) Tallakson, Denise A. (1987-2005) Teig, Marilyn (1987-1991) Timion, Cheryl (1993-1999) Treiber, Kay M. (1989-2002) Underbrink, Pauline Genevieve (1950-1953) Walter Norris, Mildred (1953-1965) Williamson, Mary (1904-1906 Kindergarten) Wolfe, Joanne (1967-1995) Yoder, Harold Marcus (1971-1993)
  • Home Economics
    *Davidson, Nadene (1981-2004) Hanson, Rose L. (1920-1956) Hurd, Julia (1914-1916) Jackson, Mary Ann (1953-1981)
  • Industrial Arts/Technology
    *Conlon, Corley (1923-1927) Darrow, Donald R. (1965-2002) Elliott, Gaylon Howard (1954-1956) Floyd, Earl C. (1949-1954) *Green, T. C. (1924-1926) *Hartwell, Frank C. (1948-1968) Hansen, Russell (1956-1965) Teig, Nick (1967-1995) Wilson, Michael E. (2003-2010)
  • Language Arts/Drama
    Addison, Bill (1949-1952) Anderson, Lucile (1930-1962) Beckman, Judy (1969-1996, 1997-1998) Brown, Lucille (Dates Unknown) Butzier, Kenneth (1960-1986) *Caldwell, Mary Pickett (1916- 1952) Divelbess, Margaret (1927-1964) Fitzgerald, Evelyn (1975-77) Frenna, Joseph A. (2009-2010) Heitzman, Barbara (1990-2003) Jorgensen, Ashley (2008-2012) Koch, Karla A. (2005-2009, 2011-2012) Lubs, Courtney (2001-2002) Matthews, Carol C. (1998-2000) Nichols, Douglas (1996-2000) Oakland, Kathy R. (1987-1996) Opfer, Mary P. (1922-1955) Reeve, Douglas (1966-1968) Rinkel, Jeffrey (1982-1985) Savereide, Sue E. (1989-1996, 1998-1999) Schlemmer, Marilyn (1955-1960) Schultz, Mae Avis (1952-1955) Tagtow, Jolene (2000-2009) *Vander Beek, Howard (1948-1982) Vanderwall, Richard (1987-2010) Vargas, Marjorie Fay Fink (1972-1998) Waack, William (1977-1988) *Wagoner, Bridgette (2000-2007) Walter, Mary (1966-1969) See more about Language Arts
  • Library
    Visit the History of the Price Lab Library Campbell, Clara Evelyn (1952-1957) Diamond, Joan Englund (1966-1990) Froyen, Gail (1990-1998) Koehmstedt, Carolyn (1961-1963) McIntyre, Kent (1968-1990) Tallakson, David (1999 – 2007) Weber, Mary Lou (1999-2012) Learn more about the Library
  • Mathematics
    *Anderson, Mary C. (1929-1953) Anderson, Richard (1966-1968) Bader, William (1968-1970) Balong, Megan (1999-2012) Bock Runyon, Brenda Sue (1998-2001) *Brown, Florence E. (1928-1932) Buckwalter, Susan (1999-2001) Burton, Jennifer I. (2005-2007) *Correll, Florence E. (1905-1917) Dekutoski, Sheryl (2010-2012) Drumright, Russell G. (1949-1953) Gibb, E. Glenadine (1947-1949) Hanna, Kay L. (1983-1986) Heade, Vernon (1947-1949) Herrick, Donald (1953-1955) Hohlfeld, Joseph F. (1958-1975, 1987-1988) Homewood, Dirk (Dates Unknown) Immerzeel, George (1956-1983) Johnson, Jennifer (Dates Unknown) Kettner, Dennis (1975-2010) Maltas, James (1991-2012) *Maricle, William O. (1949-1957) McMahon, Della (1949-1961) Nanke, Gary (1997-1998) Nelson, Kelly J. (2001-2003) Nielsen, Ross A. (1947-1952, 1955-1962) Ockenga, Earl G. (1975-1984, 1988-1999) Peck, Lyman (1952-1956) Runyon, Brenda Sue Bock (1998-2001) Schroeder, Merrie (1992-2000) Schwandt, Lynn (1964-1992) Schweizer, Helen (1952-1954) Tarr, John (1961-1998) Wiederanders, Donald E. (1958-1991) Wilkinson, Joshua P. (2008-2012) Wohlhuter, Kay A. (1987-1988)
  • Model School
    Bartlett, Lilian (1885-1888) Folsom, Annis (Fall 1884) Lewis, Cora E. (1884-1885) McKee, John R. (Dates Unknown) Miller, Ella (1883-1894 Principal)
  • Music Department
    Aurand, Wayne (1951-1977) Brown, Kevin (2007-2011) *Burney, Elizabeth (1909-1920) Fanelli, Michael (1987-2003) Grey, Mary (2007-2008, 2009-2010, 2011-2012) Griffith, Melanie Holmes (1992-1996) Hale, Leslie (1960-1988) *Hooper, Gladys E. (1914-1920) Iverson, Marjorie (1961-1962) Johnson, Jeremiah D. (Dusty) (2004-2007) Kreassig, Samuel (2011-2012) Luce, Mildred (1943-1953) Malek, Victor (1950-1951) McGuire, Shannon (2003-2005) *Moon, Alfred C. (1948-1963) Musel, Andrew S. (1975-1981) Reeve, Douglas W. (1966-1968) Schneider, Melvin F. (1945-1961) Schneider, Naomi (1947-1958) Sharp, Linda Renfro (1995-2008) Swanson, Michelle Hyde (1998-2010) Swickard, John (1971-1975) Upham, Leonard M. (1989-2003, 2004-2005) Weber, Harold (1953-1956) Welch, James D. (1962-1987) Wikstrom, Thomas (1956-1961)
  • Nursing Staff
    Chistiason, Jennifer (Dates Unknown) Duncan, Yvonne (Dates Unknown) Flemr, Susan (Dates Unknown) Knoll, Angeline (Dates Unknown) Olson, Dorothea (Dates Unknown) Poe, Sally (Dates Unknown)
  • Physical Education
    Ahrabi-Fard, Iradge (1972-1981) Aldrich, John (1955-1986) Anderson, Floyd (1966-1976) *Asmus, Kody (2005-2009) Barnhart, Don (1947-1952) Burke, Willard (Bill) E. (1948-1953) Casek, Charles, (1955-1974) Elser, Paul (2007-2012) Geadelmann, Patricia (1972-1984) Green, Deborah (1977-1978) *Happ, William P. (1948-1972) Hawn, Sharon (1974-1980) Knuti, Ann (1972-1974) Lee, Robert E. (1981-2004) McCumber, Shelley (2003-2012) McKowen, John (2003-2007) Mohn, Mardelle L. (1948-1975) Myers, Benjamin Fletcher (1982-2010) Ness, Carmen O. (1953-1955) Phipps, Neil (1990-2002) Schneider, Robert (1977 – 1983) Schweitzer, Cathie Ann (1981- 1983) Schools, Marshall (1949-1976) Smeins, Joe (Dates Unknown) Smith, Lori Ann Vis (1995-2009) Stokstad, Lloyd (1948-1967) Turnbull, Ann M. (1981-1982) Waack, Paul (1982-2003) Wilkinson, Nicole (2007-2010, 2011-2012)
  • Safety Education/Driver's Training
    Mazula, Peter (1949-1990)
  • Science Department
    Barrilleaux, Louis (1960-1965) Bollwinkel, Carl W. (1980-2005) Breitbach, Karen Couch (1985-2012) Cooney, Tim (1977-1990) Countryman, Lyn (1990-2012) Douglas, Robert (1958-1961) Finsand, Louis (1964-1997) Gifford, Robert W. (1949 – 1952) Gohman, Walter (1951-1977) Jacobs, Priscilla (1953-1954) Kelly, Jim (1969-1991) Mahon, Ruth (1956-1967) Orr, Robert (1952 – 1954) Potter, Al (1946-1978) Spurr, Aaron (1998 – 2012) Stone, Jody (1987 – 2012) Walsh, William (1948 – 1956) Walter, Laura E. Fischer (2001-2012) Wengert, Harold D. (1967-1980) Winkleman, James (1953 – 1956) Learn more about the Science Department
  • Social Studies
    Blaga, Jeff (1978-1985) Brown, Mabel (1953-1964) Carlsen, Sarah (2011-2012) Clausen, Courtney (2011-2012) Froyen, Leonard (1958-1960) Hamilton, Mike (2003-2005) Hantula, Jim (1965-1998) Harper, Corinne (1947-1982) Herrick, B. J. (2000-2010) Horton, Paul (1999-2002) Hott, Leland (1959-1963) Kasiske, Florence (1945-1961) Kueny, Mary Beth (1993-1999) Meyer, Danielle (2004-2007) Mork, Vernon (1949-1958) Nelson, Phil (1969-2000) Peavey, Samuel (1952 – 1954) Rainey, Lee (1968-1972) Reichmann, Ferd (1960-1985) Robinson, Vickie (1992-1995) Rose, Steve (1979-1990) Schonhoff, Aaron (2011-2012) Scovel, Don (1961-1981) Silverson, Karen (1975 – 1978) Sprague, Douglas (1985-1989) Swartz, Cliff (1967 – 1973) Troyer, Mike (2008-2009) Weber, Lee (1991-2012)
  • Special Education
    Beckman, Aricia DeVries (2000-2012) Cooney, Darlene (1989-2002) East, Catherine (2001-2003) Everton, Joe (1979-1983) Gish, Judith K. (1972-1992) Gleissner, Linda (1981-1996) Hawbaker, Becky (1998-2011) Miller, Kim (1987-2012)
  • Speech/Language Pathology
    Highnam, Diane (2004-2005, 2007-2012) Potter, Lois Shefte (1961-1991)
  • Unspecified
    *Adney, Verna J. (1930-1961) Ahlschwede, Hulda (1947-1951) *Aldrich, Hazel Irene (1914-1916) *Anderson, Mary C. (1926-1929) Arndt, Wilbert C. (1938-1939) Ayres, Nelle Wren (1917-1920) *Bakken, Alice (1930-1958) *Barber, Edith L. (1930-1938) Barnhart, Don (1947-1952) Bauman, Wanda (1945-1946) Berry, Burl V. (1945-1948) Bliese, John (1941-1947) Blockhus Seg, Janice (1989-1991) Bouder, Hazel (1917-1919) *Bourland, Minnie Leigh (1921-1930) *Braddock, Richard R. (1948-1949) Brost, Gunda (2005-2006) Brown, Florence A. (1924-1926) Brown, Kevin (2007-2011) Brown, Lucille (unknown) Bryan, Bernice (1931-1936) Buckwalter, Susan (1999-2001) Budensiek, Harold (1956-1959) Burford, Lola M. (1948-1951) Burke, Willard (Bill) (1948-1953) Christian, Mabel (1903-1905 Room Teacher Grammar Grades) Crafton, Louise (1929-1931) Crampton, Etta M. (1912-1915) Dahl, Richard (1948-1950) Dearborn, Frances (1914-1916) DeFigh, Marjorie L. (1946-1947) Detlie, Margaret L. (1932-1933) Dixon, Sarah (1912-1914) Dority, Nellie (1903 Winter term Room Teacher Grammar Grades) Douglas, Robert G. (1958-1961) Farrell, James V. (1948-1953) Fee, Margaret (1922-1924) Fitzsimons, Ethel M. (1930-1944) Frahm, Izetta Maye (1948-1954) Francis, Bruce (1912-1914) Fullerton, Elizabeth (1916-1919) Gardner, Emily (1903-1905 Room Teacher Grammar Grades) Gray, Pearl (1918) Greeley, Rowena (1917-1919) Haas, Raqul R. (1947-1948) *Hamer, O. Stuart (1916-1922) Hankamp, Gertrude (1941-1945) Harriman, Vivian (1944-1946) Harris, Lucy (1913-1914) Harrison, Paul E. (1947-1951) Hendrix, Holbert H. (1948-1950) Hildebrand, Etta (1905-1906 Room Teacher Grammar Grades) Hill, Selma B. (1938-1945) Hoffman, Glen R. (1924-1926) Holliday, Elsie V. (1946-1950) Horgan, Jean (Dates Unknown) Hughes, Lola (1913-1914) Hull, Ellen (1904-1906 Room Teacher Grammar Grades) Ingram, Blanche (1921-1923) Jenkins, Lulu Marie (1933-1937) Kasiske, Florence M. (1945-1961) Kelly, Gladys (1917-1919) Kitchen, Lilian N. (Dates Unknown) Little, Suzanne W. (1946-1948) Long, Else (1905-1906 Room Teacher Grammar Grades) Long, Lois Jeanne (1948-1949) Mahachek, Joy E. (1918-1921) Mallinson, George G. (1947-1948) Marshall, Kathryn (1917-1920) Mathews, Alta (1902-1903 Room Teacher Grammar Grades) Maxwell, Alice M. (1921-1923) McCoy, Bernice (1945-1947) Millard, Anna (1913-1914) Mooers, Ruth (1940-1942) Morris, Vesta (1917-1920) Moyer, Myrtle (1921-1927 Room Teacher Grammar Grades) Murphy, Mary (1915-1919) Nelson, Carl B. (1947-1951) Newkirk, Rachel (1921-1923) Newman, Mathilda Katherine (1942-1946) *Opfer, Emma H. (1922-1955) Otto, Evelyn (1945-1947) Paine, Olive (1933-1948) Phillips, Cecil K. (1947-1957) Phillips, Helen B. (1948) Raitt, Emma (1913-1914) *Rait, Euphemia (1929-1952) Ramsey, Irvin L. (1948-1953) Rausch, Mary Anne (1947-1948) Raymond, France Fern (1914-1919) Reed, Mary Deette (1917-1920) Rhodes, Joseph William (1942-1946 Robards, Mary E. (1932-1933) Ross, Esta (1903-1904 Room Teacher Grammar Grades) Ruppel, May E. (1934-1946) *Schneider, Nathaniel O. (1926-1943) Seeley, Virginia A. (1946-1948) Shafer, Ethel (1906-1907 Room Teacher Grammar Grades) Schellenberge, Betty Jane (1948-1949) Sharp, Lucette A. (1945-1946) Shedd, Jesse E. (1917-1919) *Smith, Ernestine L. (1936-1945) *Starr, Minnie (1927-1944) Steg, Olaf W. (1947-1948) Tallman, Pearle (1917-1920) Teerink, Annie E. (1917-1920) Trowbridge, Lelah T. (1922-1924) Walsh, William James (1948-1956) Watts, Maxine Olive (1936-1937) Welch, Dorothy J. (1945-1949) West, Edith (1947-1948) White, Evangeline (1916) White, Irene (1932-1933) Whittier, C. Taylor (1941-1942) Williams, Elsie (1913-1914) Wind, Helen M. (1944-1947) Wong, Lilian (1944-1946) Yeager, Nina Mary (1947-1952) *Zintz, Miles V. (1946-1949)
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